Posted 9/2/98
There has been lots of speculation recently concerning 6JB6 sweep tubes,
which are used in the Drake 4 - line transmitters. With the
encouragement and editorial advice from Dexter Francis and Jim Lockwood, I
have characterized a total of 19 6JB6 tubes for power, efficiency, and
interelement capacitance. One reason for this test was to evaluate the EI
brand tubes from Czechoslovakia, which, along with 2 others, were supplied
by Dexter Francis.
·- All other tube brands work fine in 2X or 3X configurations, however.
·- It is possible that brand “EI” tubes would work satisfactorily in 2X
configurations, at least on the lower frequencies.
·- Tube matching may be necessary, but only if they are more than 10% apart
in plate current.
·- Cathode resistors and screen resistors should be within 5% (they were a
mile off in my TR-3), so check them accurately, and replace as needed.
·- Tubes may be matched by juggling cathode R if the tubes are not too far
off. (I don’t know how far)
·- Brand used seems to make little difference, except for the “foreigners”.
·- It is easy to measure actual current by voltage across the cathode
·- You can’t tell how good a tube is by looking at it.
·- Measuring transconductance in a tester may do the job, but doing it
under actual operating conditions, as above, is probably the only reliable
·- TV-7 test readings are indicative of tube good-ness.
·- High Cgp is a definite no-no, but all domestic tubes measured were very
close, and low, across all brands.
The T4XB had not been aligned or modified for the tests, and was
used to feed a 50 ohm dummy load through a URM-120 wattmeter. Both cathode
and screen resistors matched within + - 3%. The two original tubes,
Sylvanias, were good, and the better one (more cathode current drawn), was
retained as the standard, and the tubes to be tested were mounted in the
other socket. The baseline tubes could be loaded to over 300 ma total
current, and would put out over 150 watts. For testing, the indicated
current was held to 300 ma by maintaining plate loading at just under 50%,
while tuning for maximum output.
It was found that some tubes could be loaded to more plate current, 320 -
340, by increasing the load control beyond 5, however actual output power
dropped when that was done. Drake’s tuning procedure calls for tuning for max. output power, and states that this will occur between 250 and 320 ma plate current. Specification says input of 200w. Little if any adjustment was required on the driver loading for the different tubes.
Tests were performed at 14.0 mc. Filaments were allowed to heat for
approximately 2 minutes. Voltage across the individual cathode resistors
was measured, and the current flow was calculated using the separate
voltage and resistance values. Power per tube was calculated, using the
measured plate voltage of 650. Output power was noted on the 0-500 watt
scale with 10w/div. Only in a few cases was the reading interpolated to
half a div. Current and power dropped slightly during measurement, and
key-up was used between each tube’s reading to equalize the amount of
droop for each tube after key-down.
The test setup will not allow separate measurement of tube output power.
I put the 2 best good/new EI’s in the T4XB, ID 3 & 7. With a lot of
fiddling, I could get 100-110w out, at 300ma after neutralization, which
was difficult on 14mc. Un-neutralized, I saw 340ma, 150w out, but don’t
know if it was all 14mc or where. They were matched, at 164 & 154ma, at
about 300 on the meter, 220v screen.
Changing bias voltage would increase plate current and output, but idling
current went way up to do it, to 150ma or more total/pr, vs 80ma normal.
On 21 & 28mc, this pair would not load up at all. Re-neutralization was
not attempted, I didn’t think it would make any difference. This setup did
produce 140w out at 300ma on 7mc, indicating that the EIs are frequency
I measured input grid-cathode, Cgk, and grid-screen, Cgs, capacitance,
which seems to be a big factor, but is very consistent on/between most
brands, at 10 - 11.5pf for each value, but significantly higher in the
EI’s, at 13 - 15pf. Input capacitance is the sum of the 2, and if it’s too
high, it’s about impossible to use a set of three in the TR4.
I could not neutralize the set of 3 EI’s in the TR-4 on 10 mtrs. I
think the high input cap. is the problem.
I believe the high Cgk & Cgs of the EI’s, the failure to load on 21 &
28mc, but the reasonable output on 14mc & lower, would limit their use to
the lower frequencies.
Output 170 watts, for 58% eff.
Originally, #12 seemed to be the better of the 3.
Note that these are 3 different brands, but each tube did match closely,
within + - 3%, to the standard tube, and are + - 5% to each other in
the TR-4.
I tested 5 6JB6’s, labeled A thru E below, about 2 weeks after the
initial group of 14. Very similar data was found. I did try increasing
drive to get max. power out, & recorded pwr & T4XB mtr reading. Most would
go to 155-160w out, at 330 ma., vs the ~300ma at test power. I didn’t do
that earlier, but wish I had, it was no trouble. TV-7 data was available
on these 5 only.
D would only go to about 145w output for the pair, at 320ma, the lowest.
So, TV-7 readings are indicative of goodness.
Between the first and second test groups, the Cap. Meter changed
calibration. I don’t have a low cap standard, so could not recalibrate.
However, the Cgk of the new 5 tubes are very close together, as were the
ones before (except EI). The earlier one I re-checked did come in at the
5.5 - 6.0 area. Wish I knew which actual value is right, however the
conclusion re: tube capacitance is still valid.
This has been an interesting exercise, and at least I now have enough
6JB6’s to keep my Drakes going for the foreseeable future. (no, I don’t
want to sell any, now) I’d gladly entertain any discussion or comments.
I hope this does provide some light in the murky darkness of conjecture.
6JB6 Tubes Compared
By Al Parker <>
·- EI brand tubes will not work reliably in Drake equipment that requires
3 such tubes.
The details of how I performed my measurements and the raw test data
follow. The Drake T4XB was used as the “fixture” for testing 19 6JB6
tubes for power output.
From the data, it can be seen that the 3 known poor tubes, paired with a
good tube, only took less than 1/3 of the total power, and efficiency was
lowest of all tests, at 53 - 60%, vs over 70% in all but 2 other cases.
Two of the new EI tubes also did not share the load well, at about 1/3 of
total power, and the other 2 did take about 45% of the pwr. Efficiency of
the latter 2 was good, as best as can be estimated, since single tube
output could not be measured.
The 3 Good ones were put in the TR4 and were tested:
10 ITT 156 ma 100w
11 RCA 156 100
12 West 143 91
---- -----
455ma 291w total
450ma on xmtr mtr, 638 volts on plate, -59v bias
·- Drake T4XB transmitter
·- Douglas Microwave URM-120 wattmeter
·- Fluke Mod. 23 dmm
·- Ballantine mod. 520 Direct-Capacitance Mtr
·- Parker’s uncalibrated eyeballs
test ref.
tube tube pair pair
ID nr Mfr Cgk Pwr Pwr Pwr Pwr Eff. Comments
in in in out
1 EI 15 60 119 179 140 78% NEW
2 EI 14 61 125 187 100 54% NEW
3 EI 13 88 109 198 140 71% NEW
7 EI 15 92 103 195 140 72% NOS
10 ITT 11 96 95 191 140 73% good spare
11 RCA 11 96 99 195 145 74% good spare
4 Syl 11 46 116 162 90 55% known poor
5 Syl 11.5 55 112 167 100 60% known poor
6 Syl 11 38 112 150 80 53% known poor
9 Tung 10 98 100 198 140 71% NOS
8 W 11 101 95 196 130 66% NOS
12 W 10.5 97 98 195 150 77% good spare
X SYL 11 102 98 199 140 70% known good
Y SYL 11 97 102 199 140 70% used as std
A GE?AEC 5.8 99 92 191 135 71% 112 on TV-7
B RCAsonar 5.7 98 99 197 140 71% 110 on TV-7
C GE 5.7 98 99 197 140 71% 100 on TV-7
D SYL?RCA 5.7 98 101 198 125 63% 94 on TV-7
E RCA 5.6 97 104 201 130 65% 112 on TV-7
XvsA 97 108 205 140 68%
XvsY 96 94 189 140 74%
Sept. 2, 1998
A. W. Parker, P.E.
New Bern, NC
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