Passband Tuning Notes:
Fixed Passband Pots Following Information from Bill Frost at R.L. Drake
"The fixed passband controls are located on the power supply board of
the TR-7. Remove the wrap-a-round cover of the TR-7, the power supply
board is located in the right front corner. You will see five small "blue"
controls along the top of this board. They are in the same left to right
sequence as the "mode" switch.
The left most control (you are facing the TR-7) is the AM control, next
(going to the right) is the RTTY control, then the CW control, then the
LSB control, and last the USB control. The control to the far right
(sometimes a "black" control) is the 10 volt adjust control
Once you have become familiar with the controls and their location, proceed
as follows:
Submitted by "Jim Shorney" -
A good way that I have found to set filters when no service info is
available (or the filter isn't quite at spec) is to use an audio
oscillator connected to the mic input to sweep the filter passband on
transmit. Use a dummy load, VSWR meter in 'calibrate' mode, and low
power; sweep the oscillator to find the point of peak RF output.
Set the VSWR meter sensitivity control for an exactly full-scale indication
on the meter, then set the audio oscillator to 300 Hz and adjust the
carrier oscillator frequency control for half-scale on the meter.
Recheck the peak and half-scale points a couple of times, as they do
interact. This gives us a -3 Db point on the filter slope at 300 Hz on
the low end of the audio passband, and should be pretty darn close.
You could, of course, go for 200 Hz, 250 Hz, or whatever else suits
your fancy...
FWIW, this procedure comes from a Hy-Gain model 623 CB rig service
Passband Tuning Notes
Submitted by "Jim Shorney" -
Alternative Filter Adjustment Method
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