The G5RV multiband antenna is a very popular design on the HF bands. The "common" G5RV is configured as a 3/2-wave dipole on 20 meters, and works as either a shortened dipole, or a collinear-fed long wire on the other bands. In this configuration, the overall length is 102 ft, with a 28 to 34 ft matching line. In some cases, this is still too large to fit in one's yard, and not everyone can convince their neighbors to allow one to stretch the wire across property lines. In this case, a 1/2-size version, covering 7 to 28 MHz is useable. Conversely, some amateurs would like to have 1.8 MHz capability, and have the 204 ft length necessary for this array. I have dimensions included here for both the half-size, and double-size G5RV antennas.
Bands...................1.8-28 MHz....3.5-28 MHz...7.0-28 MHz
Flat-top.....................204 ft...........102 ft...........51 ft
Open wire...............67.3 ft........34 ft......17 ft
Ladder line.............62.4 ft........31.5 ft.....21.2 ft
"TV" twin lead........56.9 ft........28.5 ft.....14.4 ft
[ All of the above-mentioned antennas will work on the 6 Meter band, sometimes without an ATU.]
Of the listed antennas above, the 7-28 MHz version was referred to in Louis, G5RV's article in the ARRL "ANTENNA COMPENDIUM" Volume 1, the 1.8 - 28 MHz version is in use at Evhan, WB2ELB's QTH, (with a single feedine, directly matched with the internal ATU in his Kenwood, I am also running the double-scale G5RV here on 160 - 6 Meters and the 3.5-28 MHz version in use by more local hams than I can remember right now.
Just for reference, the ladder line is available at most amateur dealers, over-the-counter, or mail-order, and the polycarbonate (Lucite) plastic for the spreaders for home-built open wire is available at any major plastic supplier at scrap prices here in Rochester.
If you have any questions on the G5RV, parts, referrence books, Etc, drop me a line,on packet at WB2VUO@WB2VPH.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM, or call on the phone, (716)494-1239...73, Keith
Keith, WB2VUO, QRP-L #582
Trustee, KB2YTW/B 10 Mtr Beacon (28.2860 MHz)
"In the Depths ofthe Great Bergen Swamp...FN13ac"
Frank G3YCC